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I'm Albi Mudakar,

Cloud Engineer | Web Developer | Network Enthusiast.

A passionate build scalable Cloud, solving problems, and detail attention oriented.

Contact Resume CV
Albi Mudakar


Tech Enthusiast

I'm a tech enthusiast with a background in informatics engineering. Eager to learn more about network engineering, web development, and cloud computing, my interests include network optimization, creating user-friendly web applications, and scalable cloud computing solutions. I'm also focused on improving my problem-solving skills and building strong relationships with my teammates. Thrilled about collaborating and developing in a fast-paced setting.

Let's Connect

I'm thrilled to connect with everyone who's curious and passionate about technology! Let's explore new possibilities and learn together.


Project Overview

Here are some of the projects I've worked on over time



SECloud is a web-based cloud storage application, in SECloud can store various media files such as photos, videos, documents, pdf, zip, and others. In its development, we made the Cloud Storage using the Elastic Compute Service from Alibaba Cloud as a website server and also used a domain from rumahweb. This project is developed in the native language PHP and also HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that the website can look attractive and interactive. Some features include Login and Register, File upload, File download and Compress files into ZIP.

Desktop App Company


This is a project during the midterm exam 4 of the Object Oriented Programming course, this project was developed with Java Swing programming language and using MySQL database. This project is designed for a desktop-based enterprise application in which there are several features such as

Baby Cry Detection App


Build and manage microservice architecture for service Baby Cry Detection App, using the Docker for isolate the images and the Deploy with Cloud Run on Google Cloud.

Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Alumni

Cloud Computing

One of 4,520 selected students in Bangkit Academy. Bangkit is a career readiness program that aims to produce high-caliber technical talent for world-class Indonesian technology companies and startups, fully supported by Google, GoTo, and Traveloka.

skills & Tools

Overview and Expertise

Here's a summary of my skills and tools proficiency


Learn, Apply & Share

In my earlier blogs, I've covered a variety of topics, providing insights and practical tips


Drop me a line

Feel free to reach out with any inquiries or opportunities